Our Mission: To Give Every Animal the Chance for a Healthy, Happy Life.

We love all animals – dogs just happen to be our very favorite! With millions of dogs and cats being euthanized in shelters across our country and starving to death in the streets around the world each year, there are a lot of animals that need our help.
Caring for Canines is dedicated to rescuing these homeless animals and at the same time, finding solutions to the underlying issues that cause pet overpopulation to be such a prevalent problem.
We hope you will join our cause by Adopting, Volunteering and Donating Today. We believe that by partnering with other animal rights and rescue organizations, spreading the word about spay/neuter and gaining the support of people like you to join in this mission – we CAN create a world where there are no more homeless animals!
“Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.”— Karen Davison, Dog trainer & Canine Behaviourist
Adoptable Dogs